Health and Wellness Programs: Improving Health Outcomes in Central Ohio

At Nationwide Children's Hospital, we are dedicated to eliminating disparities in children's health and improving the health outcomes of all kids. To accomplish this goal, we have partnered with many community organizations to provide access to essential services in Central Ohio. These services include workplace wellness, safe routes to school, Here's Fresh Food, Smoke-Free Housing Program, and Chronic Disease Prevention Advisory Board. The Ohio Employee Assistance Program (Ohio EAP) is an intake, information, counseling, referral, and support service for state employees and their families.

Through this program, we are able to bring primary care, women's health services and prenatal care, annual screenings, and educational resources to the communities in Central Ohio that need it most. Our programs and partnerships are designed to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases. We provide information on healthy foods, smoke-free homes, non-smoking tool kits, collaborative work, tobacco free initiatives, wellness programs, chronic disease prevention networks, resources and links, locations, and instructions. We are proud of the progress we have made in Central Ohio to improve the health and academic outcomes of public school students by expanding student access to health care. We will continue to strive for better health outcomes for all children in our community. At Nationwide Children's Hospital, we understand that health is more than just physical wellbeing. It is also about mental wellbeing and social wellbeing.

That is why we have developed a range of programs that focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and preventing chronic diseases. Our programs are designed to provide access to essential services such as workplace wellness, safe routes to school, Here's Fresh Food, Smoke-Free Housing Program, and Chronic Disease Prevention Advisory Board. Through this program we are able to bring primary care services such as women's health services and prenatal care as well as annual screenings and educational resources to the communities in Central Ohio that need it most. Our programs are designed to help people lead healthier lives by providing them with information on healthy foods, smoke-free homes, non-smoking tool kits, collaborative work initiatives, tobacco free initiatives, wellness programs, chronic disease prevention networks and resources.

We also provide locations and instructions on how to access these services. We are proud of the progress we have made in Central Ohio to improve the health outcomes of public school students by expanding student access to health care. We will continue to strive for better health outcomes for all children in our community by providing them with access to essential services that promote healthy lifestyles and prevent chronic diseases.

Keisha Kreuziger
Keisha Kreuziger

Hipster-friendly food nerd. Evil bacon specialist. Avid food practitioner. Infuriatingly humble web fanatic. Friendly travel lover. Subtly charming social media aficionado.